Films for Francophiles

The Education in Literature Collection contains a number of films in French with English subtitles. Older favourites by classic directors are represented by Pocket Money (L’argent de poche) directed by Francois Truffaut and Au revoir les enfants  directed by Louis Malle. There are surprising films such as Tomboy directed by Celine SciammaTomboy. School of Babel directed by Julie Bertuccelli and The Class (Entre les murs) directed by Laurent Cantet both make use of non-professional actors. More recent films include In the house directed by Francois Ozon, Monsieur Lazhar directed by Phillippe Falardeau and Le petit Nicolas directed by Laurent Tirard.

The Education in Literature Collection is not the only place to find French language films. A delightful short, animated Christmas story L’enfant au grelot (The baby with the bell) and the animated folktale Kirikou and the sorceress (Kirikou et la sorcière) are in the Curriculum Resources Collection.

Whilst there are English translations of French novels including The Claudine Novels by Collete, School’s out (L’heure de la sortie) by Christophe Dufosse and Sorbonne Confidential by Laurel Zuckerman, there are also a few  French language books. Interesting examples are Et l’une ne bouge pas sans l’autre (The sex which is not one) by the Belgian-born French feminist, cultural theorist and psycholinguist Luce Irigary andkokari Kokari : ou le combat silencieux de l’enseignant (The silent battle of the teacher) by the Niger author Amadou Madougou.

To help younger readers with their French there are bilingual children’s books to choose from in the Curriculum Resources Collection. These include : La poule de Handa = Handa’s hen  by Eileen Browne,  La chasse à l’ours = We’re going on a bear hunt  by Michael Rosen and Le petit prince = The little prince  by Antoine de St. Exupery.

As always if you have any suggestions for books or DVDs to be considered for the Education in Literature Collection please give the details to any member of the Library Staff.


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