She’s My Dad

LGBT + History Month may have ended on the 28th February but novels and films with LGBT characters are always available for loan from the Education in Literature Collection.

One recent addition is the novel She’s my Dad by  Iolanthe Woulff. The main character is a transgender woman named Nickie Farrell. Nickie is hired as an Assistant Professor of English at the ultra-liberal Winfield College in Northern Virginia. Although the Principal and some of the staff know her history Nickie wants to be accepted for her abilities and not as a curiosity.

Unfortunately she is outed by a lesbian journalist student Cinda Vanderhart. Whilst some people are supportive and accepting, others are not and Nickie is attacked by a pair of homicidal sociopaths and her budding romance with a fellow member of staff is jeopardised.Cinda is also determined to uncover the connection between Nickie and a young waiter, Collie Skinner, who shares her trait of different coloured eyes (think David Bowie).

‘She’s my Dad’ is an interesting novel with an underlying theme of the power of love and tolerance to overcome hate, especially that which arises from a fear of the unknown.

Iolanthe Woulff is herself a transgender woman and  is the eldest child of the writer Herman Wouk.

Other items of interest are the books A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood, Olivia by Dorothy Bussy, Stripping Penguins Bare by Michael Carson, The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach, Empress of the World  by Sara Ryan , Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson, Embrace by Mark Behr, Gentlemen and Players by Joanne Harris and the DVDs Tomboy and Another Country.

Books may be borrowed for three weeks and DVDs for one week.

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