New Books for All

Here is a small selection of books which I have recently added to the Education in Literature Collection.  These titles reflect the rich variety within this collection and can be borrowed for 3 weeks. Why not have a look and find your perfect Christmas holiday read?

Black girl / white girl : a novel-Joyce Carol Oats

Minette Swift is a 19-year –old black girl who attends a liberal arts college on a scholarship. Fifteen years later her former roommate, Gina, begins an unofficial enquiry into her mysterious death.

 Flowers for Algernon– Daniel Keyes.

A classic SF novel. Charlie Gordon has an IQ of 68 until he volunteers for an operation to enhance his intelligence. It is a success but Charlie finds being a genius is as isolating as having a very low IQ. However Algernon, the mouse who first had the operation, fades and dies. What does Charlie’s future hold?

Almost English– Charlotte Mendelson

Laura is half- Hungarian and does not feel at home in her family’s London flat. She longs to attend the traditional English public school Coombe Lodge. Her family manage to find the money to send her but Laura is horrified to find that she does not fit in there either.

Caleb’s Crossing– Geraldine Brooks

Set in Martha’s Vineyard in the 1650’s, this beautifully written book is inspired by the true story of Caleb Cheeshahteaumauk who was the first Native American to attend Harvard University.

Frankie and Stankie– Barbara Trapido

In 1950’s South Africa the racist attitudes of some teachers and fellow pupils puzzle Dinah and Lisa who are from a liberal family.

Black Chalk– Christopher Yates

It was only ever meant to be a game played by six friends in their first year at Oxford University. Somehow it changed from a bit of fun in to something more sinister. Now, fourteen years later, they must meet to play the final round.

Olivia– Dorothy Bussy (nee Strachey)

In the late 19th Century English teenager is sent to a French boarding school. She develops a disastrous crush on one of the two headmistresses.

The Art of FieldingChad Harbach

A big, warm hearted Campus novel about Henry Skrimshander who is a new, shy student with a remarkable talent for baseball.

She’s My Dad Iolanthe Woulff

Nickie Farell is a transsexual woman hired to be an assistant professor of English by the uber-liberal Windfield College. Once she attended the college as Nicholas Farrell.


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