Stories from Africa

The Literature Collection contains a range of books from Africa which encompass the experience of native writers from colonial days through to independence.

The African Child (L’Enfant noir)  by Camara Laye (1947)

This book reflects his childhood and schooling in what was then the colony of French Guinea. It has been described as one of the first major works of Francophone African literature.

The Village School by Anezi  Okoro (1966)

An exciting description of life in a village primary school in south eastern Nigeria in the 1930s.

The Children of Soweto by Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane (1982)

Part autographical, part reportage, this is an imaginative and committed reconstruction of the Soweto uprising and the effect it had upon a generation of schoolchildren.

Ancient Rites by DialeTlholwe (2008)

Private Eye Thabang Maje is asked to solve the case of a missing schoolteacher, Mamorena Mamo. To do so he will have to enrol as an under-cover primary school teacher in the remote village of Marakong-a-Badimo near Mafikeng. Tlholwe loves to read and identified a lack of black people in books who were not stereotypes. He wanted to write a book that reflected the dramas and confusions of real black people.

Spilt Milk by Kopano Matlwa (2010)

Mohmagadi is the upright principal of the elite Sekolo sa Dithora School for talented black children. She gives a job to Father Bill with whom she had once shared a forbidden love affair. Thus begins a battle of wills for the hearts and minds of the students. Set in post–apartheid South Africa.

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