Google Apps for Education: demo in the Library for PhD students & staff

One of our DEdInt (PhD) students has agreed, at very short notice,  to demonstrate Google Apps for Education to us (and to some of his cohort).  Rab recently won the Apple Distinguished Educator’s Award for Japan and is a expert on Web 2.0.  He has just come back from visiting Google Enterprises so has a lot to show us.  Rab is only in the UK until Saturday – hence this last minute announcement.

Rab is from Scotland but now lives and works in Japan. He teaches Academic Writing, Critical Thinking, Digital Literacy and Presentation Theory Skills at various universities in Tokyo (ICU, Todai, Dokkyo and JCSW) – his blog is at · and he is @rabpaterson on Twitter.

So if you are interested in looking at some of the new Google  technologies that could be used in your work and which are being used in teaching, please join us.  There are only 30 seats in the room, so if you are coming, please let  Nazlin know at

Nazlin Bhimani

About Nazlin Bhimani

Research Support and Special Collections Librarian, UCL Institute of Education, London
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