Can’t find a book in the Library?

Interlibrary Loans and Document Delivery Service

What happens when you can’t find an item on our library catalogue?
We offer an Inter-library loan (ILL) service which allows you to obtain from another library materials not held in the Institute of Education library.
This service is only available to registered staff and students of the library.
If you can’t find a book, journal title, conference proceedings or a research report etc on our catalogue or on the Senate House Library catalogue:
create an ILL request. After registering with Senate House you can borrow books from them and even use their e-resources remotely.

Creating a request:  To create an ILL request, logon to the IOE Catalogue by entering your library number and PIN in the top right hand corner, and in the next screen click on the Interlibrary Loan option at the top. Follow the instructions, complete the online form, and click on ‘send’ at the bottom.
When creating a request for a journal article or a book chapter please make sure you accept the copyright declaration by changing ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ unless the material is for commercial use (income generation) and you are willing to pay the copyright fee for it. ILL staff can advise you of the copyright fee for each journal.
Once you have created an ILL request we will keep you informed about its progress via the email address you have supplied. ILLs and photocopies usually arrive within 3-7 days.
Charges :We charge £2.50 for each satisfied request although the cost to the library is much higher – currently we pay £11.15 for each loan and £8.46  for each photocopy. Users pay only for satisfied requests when collecting the material from the Issue Counter. If we supply an item from a foreign library, e.g. a thesis, dissertation, or a journal article we charge £10.00. Before applying abroad we check that users are willing to pay this extra cost.
ILL items are issued for 6 to 8 weeks. Users may renew loans for an additional three weeks at the cost of £3.00 per item.
Secure Electronic Delivery (SED) is a service from the British Library which supplies journal articles or book chapters direct to users’ desktops, where they can then be read or printed out. You will receive an email telling you when the material is available. Find out more about SED and the necessary software requirements from this link:

British Theses:  To request a PhD thesis you should use the British Library’s
Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOs).

After registering you will be able to search EThOs for the thesis you want, or order it. There is no charge in most cases. You will receive an email to tell you the thesis you ordered is available to download.

Begin your literature searching as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for your ILL requests to arrive. Please do not hesitate to ask the ILL staff if you require further information about this service. We can be contacted at:
Phone: Mala Samuels: 0207 612 6062
Daniel O’Connor : 0207 612 6590

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