A new home for the Archivists

Regulars to the library would have noticed that in the last week a new office has popped up on level 4. As part of the library works that started last year, and due to a year on year increase in the number of visitors to the archives, the archivists have, once again, moved to a larger home. Seeing as archivists are typically confined to the bowels of the building we’re very excited to now be right in the centre of the library. If you haven’t visited us before pop by and we can provide further information on how we might be able to help you in your research. As you can see from this picture we have more space and what we hope is a nicer place to work. But with last Friday being a record breaking day for us in terms of the number of researchers we might be growing out of another office sooner than we think!…

New archives office

Our new office with extra space for researchers

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