IOE Find it!

Our link resolver ‘IOE Find it!’ IOE Find it! Button (see previous post) has been fully operational for just over a month now. We’ve added IOE branding to the button and have been working hard to ensure that it is popping up in as many databases and publisher sites as possible.

We’ve currently responding to initial feedback and will be tweaking the interface and linking functionality further in the coming weeks. Students and staff are obviously still getting used to the look and feel of the service but initial usage statistics for February are encouraging –

  • Find it! Requests (menu displays) – 4769
  • Click-throughs (specific services selected) – 3510

Top 5 sources (where the Find it! button was displayed and clicked) –

  1. Dialog DataStar (British Education Index etc)
  2. IOE Library Catalogue
  3. Web of Knowledge
  4. Jstor
  5. Informaworld

Top 5 targets (links users selected from the menu) –

  1. IOE Library Catalogue search
  2. SwetsWise journals
  3. Informaworld journals
  4. Google Scholar
  5. Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

The most popular document requests by some margin (75% of requests) were for journals/journal articles. The most oft requested during February were –

  1. British Educational Research Journal
  2. Support for Learning
  3. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
  4. British Journal of Special Education
  5. International Journal of Science Education
  6. Early Child Development and Care
  7. Cambridge Journal of Education
  8. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
  9. British Journal of Educational Psychology
  10. School Science Review

It will be very interesting to compare and contrast usage data pre and post launch of the Find it! service and analyse how user searching behaviour may have changed. In the meantime the service will offer a much enhanced and hopefully seamless link between source databases/catalogues and full text/further search options.

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