Video in teacher training

In a recent Teachers TV breakfast seminar, lead by Dylan Wiliam, a group of headteachers and organisations involved in supporting professional development talked about the challenges facing the sector in continuing to raise teacher quality – both in initial teacher training and ongoing professional development.

One point made by the group was the role of video in professional development. “Short films and video snippets of effective practice encourage them [teachers] to consider their own methods and implement small changes that can make a huge difference to the quality of lessons and the engagement of pupils.”

In addition to the wide range of material available on the Teacher’s TV website, the Library has a selection of classroom and lesson observation on video (DVD and VHS).

 Two examples give an idea of the current scope:

‘Lessons in observation – primary’ (2005) a production from Tribal, the public sector services company, and ‘Secondary English’ (2009), from Creative Education.

With a view to expanding our coverage we have recently purchased productions from a new publisher Mediamerge. Details of their output is available on the associated Classroom Observation website.

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