A mini-education library at your fingertips

We’re all used to zipping around Google and finding bits on Wikipedia, but when is the last time you’ve actually opened up a print encyclopedia? Forget the dusty old tomes of the past crammed with information A to Z and try out the sleek International Encyclopedia of Education in the IOE library. These eight volumes contain over 900 articles covering a range of education topics providing international education research for not only those new to searching education sources, but for more experienced researchers.

The International Encyloclopedia of Education (IEE) is up-to-date (third edition 2010), carefully referenced, and scholarly. The IEE  provides articles from academics around the world including a noteable number of contributors from the IOE. A sampling of IOE contributors include R. Andrews, D. Gillborn, S. Hallam, G. Haydon, D. Hopkins, D. Laurillard, A. Pollard, D. Watson ….. these names alone should be enough to urge you to have a peek.

The International Encyclopedia of Education  can be found in the quick Reference section near the library Enquiry Desk.  Don’t be put off by the fact that this set is in print, rather, think of it as a mini-education library at your fingertips. This may be a librarian thing, but the high quality paper makes leafing through articles almost therapeutic.  Articles average about 6-7 pages and most are accompanied with bibliographies, further reading and websites. Contents are arranged alphabetically by section but for searching, it is best to use the Subject Index in Volume 8.

For hand-picked, quality information about education around the world in one set, the  International Encyclopedia of Education is definitely worth a try.

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